I used to say "wa'er". It's not "wa'er", it's "water". It's not even water. It's something else. People were always commenting on: "How lovely accent you have, you know. Where you from?" When people asked me before where I come from I would proudly say: "I'm from Poland." But I kind of have a tendency now to give them a lie because I was from South Africa for example. Because I notice that if I say I'm from South Africa, the reaction of certain people is less hostile. I feel that some people unkind to me because of my accent and that makes me feel ... sorry. Oh, oh, oh, oh, come, come, come, Come.
I was working in Thanet and obviously the UKIP was rising so the sentiments from people was changing. The place where I was working was very insular and they are basically saying I'm a rude person. Some people say: "Maybe it's your accent because it sounds quite harsh." We'll do it. We'll get rid of the accent if you really want me to. A...E...I...O...U. Mind how you shape your mouth. So "awake". Waaake. That I think I'm still kind of bruised inside, but, yeah, so it will take time. But you know, I'm just putting things behind me and here I am. I possibly will always speak with an accent. And I just hope that, you know, the time when I will be, may be very old and very fragile and I'll be in need of some kind of care, people would not discriminate against me because I have an accent.
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